Saturday, April 11, 2020

gracie chronicles vol. VII: the haircut

What the hell am I doing on this blog again? I thought Mom turned in the keys to this old jalopy? And what's up with this CornBread-19 thing? I personally love CornBread, but I've never been allowed to have 19 of them unless no one was looking. And I don't see what the fuss is all about, except it means my Hoomans are home constantly, and a girl can't get a decent haircut anymore. Mom tried to...
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Saturday, April 4, 2020

tv wall revisited {board and batten}

Hello, my people! Are you still there? Are you keeping your fingers out of other people's noses? Are you refraining from licking the canned corn at Wal-Mart? Are you dug in like an Alabama tick? We are! Like two of them, actually, and getting fatter by the minute. I expect us to burst any moment now. I know I've been absent for a very long time, and I was doubtful I would ever be back. But, circumstances...
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Friday, October 19, 2018

gracie chronicles vol. VI: happy wanderer

Greetings, blog people! I'm a Scorpio, and I love long walks through the neighbors' lawns where I can poop in large quantities so they know I've been thinking about them. And exactly what I've been thinking about them. AND, if the vet has it right, and I'm really nine years old, that would put me in the Year of the Ox on the Chinese zodiac. Silence, whippersnappers. Mom's friend (the other...
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Sunday, February 25, 2018

hooters {a vintage barrel chair makeover}

Upholstery is not my forte. Did you know forte is pronounced "fort," and not "for-tay"? While "for-tay" is a widely-accepted pronunciation, if you love being right (at the cost of your only friend thinking you are an idiot), pronounce it "fort." It's a great conversation starter. It's really not a great conversation starter. Wine. Wine is a great conversation starter. Especially if you are talking...
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Sunday, October 29, 2017

laundry room makeover part two {finale}

How excited are you to see my laundry room? You're SUPER excited, you say? Have you no life? If you missed part one, you can see it HERE! I did things a little bassackwards with this project, in that I showed you part of the finished product prior to demonstrating the carnival of chaos this room once was.  But here's a little glimpse of cuteness before we get to that: You're in for...
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Saturday, October 21, 2017

laundry room makeover part one {and free printable!}

Hello, and a warm welcome to new readers! Old ones, too, right? It's no secret that with pretty much everything I do, I enjoy it more once I've established a deep, meaningful relationship with someone in my current wine collection. Well, the cat's out of the bag meow, at any rate. We've put the finishing touches on our tiny laundry room, and I'm going to share my cabinet with you today. While it's...
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Monday, October 9, 2017

a year in the life of pie

My Reesie-Pie just turned one year old. That's twelve months in baby years. I just turned five hundred sixty-nine months, in case you were wondering. I'll wait while ya'll get your calculators out. She's growing so fast! Isn't she beautiful? Grandi thinks so, too. Of course we had a smash cake, but more on that later. Can we have a year in review? Because I certainly don't know where the time...
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Sunday, September 24, 2017

gracie chronicles vol. V: sick dog

Holy dog poop. Mom hasn't let me write a blog post since March. MARCH, I SAY! But I got sick. So she's feeling a little sorry for me. As she should. Woof. I am Gracie. It all started on Labor Day weekend. I was minding my own business, chasing down unsavory characters in the neighborhood (my usual daily enterprise). I felt fine during the day, but in the middle of the night, I became afflicted...
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Sunday, September 10, 2017

guest bathroom round two: the finale

Hello and welcome back! If you're joining us late, you can catch up on part one of the guest bathroom HERE. For those us who haven't already had too much to drink this morning, you might remember we left off with the vanity Phil built for The Room Where Dad Poops Every Morning. It looks totally amazing. But this is NOTHING compared to how this room looks now...
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Sunday, August 20, 2017

guest bathroom round one: the vanity

Greetings! I've been absent. During that absence, I switched my e-mail subscriptions over to Mailchimp, and I don't know if those apes will successfully deliver this post. To anyone. Ever. Let me know, will ya? In the meantime, I'll endeavor to write a read-worthy post and pretend there is someone out there who will at least take a peek. Otherwise, what's the point? We've been living in our new...
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Sunday, April 9, 2017

reesie piecie: buffet/changing table

I can admit it. I've been letting Gracie do all the heavy lifting around here lately. What little lifting has been done, anyway. Phil and I tend to hibernate over the winter and lose all motivation to do anything and everything. Except eat. We never lose motivation to eat. Because there's delicious wintertime comfort food to be had, and we look forward to putting on our thirty pounds of winter...
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Wednesday, March 8, 2017

gracie chronicles vol. IV: psycho dog

I know. I know. Mom promised you a furniture post, but like the good ratter I was bred to be, I nosed my way in yet again. Personally, I find the title of this post rude and offensive. Psycho Dog. As if. First of all, I'm not a D-O-G. I'm a Schnauzer. You didn't know there is a difference? Yes. There's a great difference. Also, Mom happens to think I'm a complete psycho when I'm in the car. I...
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